Historical Parc Broekhuizen

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The scene is set for a sensuous hotel stay as interior architect Judith Van Mourik has incorporated the historical feeling in every single detail of the décor, always keeping in mind the estate’s history, its monumental buildings and the gorgeous play of light inside. Classic oak and brass elements are combined with modern designer furniture and decorations as well as natural materials like marble.

The courtyard looks very grand, but once you are inside the restaurants, five differently themed conference rooms and 22 suites feel surprisingly intimate. In the suites bathrooms, minibars and desks are designed in innovative ways with no loss of practical functionality or comfort for guests.

The carpet design choice

The décor elements are matched to reinforce each other and create a certain tension between classic and contemporary design expressions. For the third floor suites, Judith Van Mourik has specified the Papillions and Nuages carpet designs from the Atelier by Monsieur Christian Lacroix collection.

I've always loved Monsieur Christian Lacroix - his fashion is amazing and so is his artworks and drawings.
The historical profile of this property matches perfectly with the nineteen-century fashion with birds and
butterflies so the carpet design decision was easily made.

- Judith Van Mourik, interior architect

A long-lived friendship

The design friendship between Monsieur Christian Lacroix and Ege Carpets started 13 years ago when Monsieur Christian Lacroix discovered the design possibilities of our company: “I was entering a limitless world and I soon perceived the carpet as a way of communicating… like words, like music. A carpet is like make-up too, it changes the surface. It makes the room larger, wider or smaller. It underlines what you want to express. It is the make-up of music.”

About the Atelier by Monsieur Christian Lacroix collection

The Atelier by Monsieur Christian Lacroix collection features 16 designs build around the three design themes Textile, Mineral and Gravure. The Textile designs are created from Monsieur Christian Lacroix's personal archive of ethnic and folk fabrics. With Mineral, the beauty of beach stones, chaussé stones and quarry tiles is added to the collection while the Gravure designs feature fantasy engraving motifs inspired by monuments from Monsieur Christian Lacroix's home town Arles, 1900 century fashion with birds and butterflies as well as mountain landscapes in Provence. The collection comes in 9 qualities with 4 additional backing options. Order your brochure or sample now!


Check out our extensive guide to hotel carpets.

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Written by Mette Frydensbjerg Jacobsen: Mette is Ege Carpets' fashion savvy communications expert. Her keen eye for the sweet spot between beautiful carpets and great stories makes her our favourite pick for inspiring you with Project of the Month.

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