University of Melbourne Arts Faculty

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This case is featured in our e-book 10 Amazing Carpet Cases We Love.
Read the full case and more like it in the e-book here. 

Quality: 910 Highline AB and Epoca Knit

Contrasting this with very old learning models, such as 17th century dissection laboratories to generate areas as the Object Learning Lab (a museum quality environment) and The Conservatory (a 150 seat lecture theatre) for learning “in the round”.

This level of contrast is played out further by the creative themes The Salon and The Warehouse. The Faculty of Arts specifically didn't want standard-looking classrooms and The Salon and Warehouse themes clearly push the boundaries between interior architecture and pure decoration. Each space has a story to tell that has inspired its design.

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Principal at ARM Architecture Andrea Wilson explains: “Ege Carpets extended our possibilities beyond typical standard requirements for acoustic control, durability and ongoing supply and maintenance. Their huge selection of standard patterns coupled with custom pattern options enabled us to pursue concepts well beyond standard palettes.”

Wilson elaborates: “With their standard collections, Ege Carpets maximized our ability to select from themes offsetting The Warehouse theme and the Highline 910 custom print and Epoca Knit collection truly express The Salon theme. These are matched with an array of wallpapers, ranging from those of the 18th century through to the contemporary interpretive. We showcase such diverse fashion drivers as Vivienne Westwood, Tricia Guild and Ellie Cashman along with works from Job Studio, Wall & Deco, Flavor Paper and Cole & Sons.”

These environments just wouldn't have felt complete without the flexibility of selection that ege offers. Such themes as The Conservatory, Urban Jungle, The Bedouin Tent, The Parlour and The Teahouse could never have emerged with the same degree of character without the choice of pattern, colour match and contrast.”
- Andrea Wilson, Principal, ARM Architecture
University of Melbourne Arts Faculty
University of Melbourne Arts Faculty
University of Melbourne Arts Faculty

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Written by Mette Frydensbjerg Jacobsen: Mette is Ege Carpets' fashion savvy communications expert. Her keen eye for the sweet spot between beautiful carpets and great stories makes her our favourite pick for inspiring you with Project of the Month.

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